
The Problem

The educational barrier between private school and public school equipment is evident. Purchasing robotics kits could cost anywhere in the hundreds, limiting many students’ access to such kits. The future lies in STEM and we believe all kids must have tools accessible to learn the most possible about the field.

The Solution

Named CometKitz, we started a non-profit organization to bring hands-on learning back to classrooms and provide an experience tailored to students’ learning needs. For the past year, our team crafted a custom robotics kit from the ground up and worked extensively with local industry and government for financial and engineering support. We designed and manufactured our own printed chassis design and a curriculum aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Collaborating with the teachers in our district, we customized the program to suit the specific needs and interests of students. We currently are running programs at two elementary schools, with more on the way.

As we head into the new year, our team is powered by more sponsors, kits, and different levels of curriculum ready to help even more people.

NBC Bay Area Collaboration

Recognized for our success, the NBC Bay Area News covered our story and mission through CometKitz.

Our CometKitz program is generously supported by:

Northrop Grumman